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       Your Health Insurance Marketplace Exchange

                   - Know your health insurance exchanges


The differences between ACA's public health insurance exchange, the small-business (SHOP) exchange, and private exchanges. ~By Louise Norris~


If you’ve been paying attention to health reform news over the last few years, you’ve no doubt heard about the health insurance exchanges. You’ve probably also heard about the Small Business Health Options (SHOP) exchange, and might have heard about “private exchanges” too. What does it all mean?

Public’ health insurance exchanges

The ACA included a provision for every state to have a public health insurance exchange. Each state...


SHOP exchanges for small businesses

Small business owners will also be using the exchanges, via the SHOP portal. The SHOP exchanges are part of “the exchange” in each state...


Private exchanges

are not new and are not part of the ACA. They are what brokers, insurance companies and benefits consultants have been operating for years...


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